Before I share recommended children and adult books for gift-giving let me share a small epiphany that hit while driving down Nevada Street. Maybe it will encourage you during Advent.
Small Epiphany
It was like turning an ornament to a different angle and finding something new when I thought about the Virgin Mary carrying God within her–the Word made Flesh. The idea hit that Blessed Mary was indeed unique as Jesus’ mother, but she also was the first of many throughout history who carried Christ within them. We carry Him, too, throughout our lives. Jesus is not only with us, but in us. By His Holy Spirit we are able to speak kindly and do good works. This is truly great news to all who receive Him as gift and offer that gift to others. Mary was first; we follow. “My soul does magnify the Lord…for He has done great things.”
Surprising Katy

The photo above features my niece Katy and me during Thanksgiving weekend. She played a Facebook joke on her four aunts several months ago, and I reciprocated. Her Facebook entry said: “If you have an Aunt see this as your status, and if she doesn’t comment within 30 minutes she owes you a trip to the beach and pizza.”
You guessed it. The Colorado clan took this North Dakotan to the sands of Prospect Lake at sunset in windy weather and set her up in a beach chair to enjoy the sand and water. Then it was off for some good pizza. Gift-giving can be delightful to the giver and receiver. May delight be part of your Christmas.

Besides special surprises good books also enrich us. Here are a few my husband and I enjoyed this year for wee ones and big folks.
Books for Young Children

I was speechless when I read in the Wall Street Journal that the Junior Oxford Dictionary has removed words like wren, raven, and heather to make space for words like blog and bytes. Robert Macfarlane and Jackie Morris give a most beautiful rebuttal with art and poetry in The Lost Words.

It was my privilege to hear children’s writers Sally Lloyd Jones and Matthew de la Peña this year. Check out their books including:

Ariel Bernstein’s book is all about the torture of greed and not sharing, but she does it in such a child friendly way. Have a red balloon and an old white sock with a hole and a star marked on it. This makes reading and playing an extra special treat.
Books for Older Children

A Few Big Folk Offerings

If you have books you would like to recommend to others I would be glad to list them.
credit art above: “The Annunciation” by Colorado artist Billy Meazell.