He is an elderly man with Einstein hair and a blue cane covered with stars and suns. After shuffling into the booth next to our table at IHOP, he chats in a friendly German accent about pancakes, weather, and Adolf Hitler. We introduce ourselves, and he says his name is Wolfgang. Here is some of our…
Author: CSB
Writer and editor, desiring to entertain and enlighten, focusing on the good, beautiful and true in the present and the past.
Grateful for the Wiseman Snow Globe
I know you are done with Christmas, but I want you to hear the story of the snow globe wiseman and a mother who is grateful every New Year. Not Three, But One Of course, traditionally wisemen come in sets of three. But when my son was 19 he gave me a stocking stuffer of…
Gripes Be Gone!
The countdown for T-day has begun, and I’m wearing a purple bracelet to remind me of the true meaning of Thanksgiving. Actually, it is a visual to recalculate whining tendencies. The bracelet declares, “Gripes Be Gone!” Speaker and writer Linda Dillow gave two dozen women and me the bracelets at a recent teatime event. Linda…