copyright cover art by Jacqueline and Ariane Peveto, www.groundcreweditorial.com
Book Clubs
When time permits, I am happy to speak to book clubs whose group members have purchased my book and want to discuss it. This can be done on Zoom, and also in the Colorado Springs area, in person. Please email me.
School Visits
Junior and Senior High School:
I’m offering a 45-minute presentation on my debut historical adventure novel Unexpected Riches, set mostly in the Caribbean, 1665-66. Check out the Unexpected Riches page for more info and email me.
I can do a (1) talk on my writing journey, which includes magazine and newspaper work as well as writing fiction for students and adults; (2) a round table discussion answering students’ questions on (a) the book publishing industry, (b) how to do historical research for a novel, (c) relating Unexpected Riches’ history to contemporary life in the context of Puritans and the New World, or (d) helping students develop writing techniques for their stories. A phone or Zoom discussion between the teacher and myself could form this time into what is most beneficial for the class.
Elementary Middle Grade:
I am polishing a middle grade mystery entitled My Aunt, the Spy and would welcome students’ input on this adventure of two middle school kids on a Colorado Springs’ ranch. As I share how I am working through the problems of this story using various writing techniques, the students may learn how to work through murky parts of their writings and how to mold experiences into their stories.
Kindergarten and First Grade:
I’m excited about collaborating with illustrator Jessica Santiesteban on our picture book Always Flying Bobby to be published in 2024. This is a fun picture book about Bobby’s passion for flying throughout his life. It’s also about allowing those we love follow their different passions. The book uses phonetic sounds to teach children the building blocks of reading.

Art by Jessica Santiesteban

(available for speaking)
I offer a reading of my Ladybug magazine story “A Hat for Nana Anna.” It’s based on a little girl finding an old-fashioned hat at a garage sale for her great grandmother, whose turning 100. I use battery-operated candles to help the children count to 100 on a fake birthday cake. We light it up! Imagination and simple tools can make some fun hats. This story is based on an experience with my 100-year-old friend.

Please email me for more details or questions!